What is the Difference between Berkley Gulp! and Powerbait?
Both Gulp! ® and Gulp! ® Alive! have really grown in popularity over the last several years, and with that popularity growing among bass and trout fishermen, many of us are asking the question when we walk do the fishing aisle and see so many different types, versions, and flavors, what is the difference between Berkley Gulp! and Powerbait?
Berkley Powerbait
The regular soft plastic baits that we are used to, like lizards, worms, crawdads, are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) that is heated up and combined with an oil based resin. The more oil based resin that is added to the PVC, the softer the bait will be. This is how Berkley PowerBait is made.
Berkley Gulp!
Berkley Gulp! is made using water based resins, instead of oil based resins, which is what sets Gulp apart from Powerbait. The water based resins allows for much more scent distribution than with oil based resins because oil and water do not mix. So, when scent is added to a soft bait created from PVC and an oil based resin, the oil actually traps most of the scent inside the bait as it acts like a barrier to prevent most of the scent from getting out. When fish bite PowerBait, they hang on much longer than they do with other baits because when they take the bite on the bait, the fish is releasing that scent which makes them think it is actually food. This results in more successful hook sets.
How To Fish Berkley Gulp! vs Powerbait
Berkley Powerbait can be fished until it falls off the hook. The more it gets chewed and mangled, the more scent is getting released. For a powerbait worm, for example, you should throw it until you lose it. That is the rule of thumb. It truly gets better and attracts more fish, the more brutal the fish tear it up. Berkley Gulp!, will disperse scent as soon as it hits the water because there is no oil barrier keeping the water out, and this lets the bait disperse a lot of scent to bring in fish from further away. There is 400 times more scent dispersion than ordinary plastic baits on the market. You should fish a Gulp! bait slowly and allow the bait to do what it’s supposed to do, and disperse scent. Leaving your bait there long enough to reap the rewards, and catch the fish coming into that fabulous fish enticing scent. Though you could use a Gulp! bait all day as it will still have more scent dispersement all day than many other baits, it is best to dunk it back in the juice for about 15 minutes to give it a recharge about every hour or so. This brings it back to full fish enticing goodness.
What’s the best powerbait for Trout fishing?
The best powerbait for Trout is the PowerBait® Glitter Chroma Glow Dough in Chartreuse with Glitter. The chartreuse color, with the glitter, has always worked the best for me. I use it in two different ways, one is floating off the bottom, and one is sinking 18 inches off the top. To float the powerbait trout bait off of the bottom, I use a sliding sinker to a barrel swivel to an 18 inch leader and a size 12 or 14 gold hook. To sink the powerbait trout bait from the top, I use a bobber about 18 inches to 30 inches (depending on the depth of the trout) and a size 12 or 14 catfish dough bait hook. The catfish dough bait hook has a spring like center wrapped around the hook, which is meant to keep the dough bait on the hook better, but it also acts as a weight to the hook so the naturally floating powerbait troutbait will sink down to where the fish are just below the surface. I have a two pole fishing license, so I always start out my day with one powerbait trout bait setup off the bottom, and one setup off the top. I will change my leader length on both if I am not getting the trout to bite, until I find the sweet spot, and switch the second rod to the same setup, and it’s fish on! You can also make your own homemade powerbait like trout doughbait, with this trout dough bait recipe.
What’s the best powerbait power worm for Bass Fishing?
The best Powerbait Power Worm for fishing for bass is the black 6” and the black 7” plastic worm. This is the perfect size, with just amount of action from the swirly tail as the worm sinks towards the bottom. I always use no weight, just the line straight to the weedless worm hook. I cast up along the shoreline and out into the water trying to locate the bass, let the powerbait power worm slowly sink to the bottom, then lift my rod tip up high to pull the worm back off the bottom and reel in a few feet, and repeat the cycle, until a bass begins to pick up the worm. I let him run with it for a little bit, then set that hook!
Berkley Gulp! Alive! Minnow Jar
These baits look, taste, and feel alive. So realistic that it entices the big ones to bite. These biodegradable Berkley® Gulp! Alive!® Minnows baits are kept in a high octane Gulp! solution and will absorb up to 20% more fish attractant. That's 20% more scent, and 20% more taste, which gives them atleast 20% more reasons for fish to dig in and bite! Each of these super charged softbaits in the Berkley Gulp! Alive! Minnow Jar disperses its fish attrcting scent through the water, like a blood trail. When your done for the day, or decide to switch baits, you can simply put the bait back in the solution to recharge for another day.About The Author Mike Mendenhall is the the founder of Mendenhall Outdoors. This website is an extension of the Mendenhall family’s lifestyle and passion for the great outdoors. Everything that they learn, and experience, along the way that they find may be valuable to our website visitors is on the site for you to enjoy. We highlight products and services that you might find interesting. We frequently receive free products from manufacturers to test. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended. If you click a link on this page, then go on to make a purchase, we might receive a commission – at no extra cost to you, and does not impact the purchase price of any products that you may purchase. The Best Gulp! and Powerbait Fishing Experience Awaits!