If your like our family, you love the outdoors. Being in a secluded camping spot, with the fresh air, the smell of pine trees or ocean salt air, coupled with the crystal clear view of the stars above. It just doesn’t get any better than that. The most mesmerizing feeling is sitting around the camp fire with great family and friends, and telling ghost stories, family stories, stories about past trips. One of the funnest parts of camping is planning for the trip. Researching new and exciting areas, shopping for the latest camping gear is almost as fun as the camping trip itself. We like to get our gear out during the early spring, and make sure it’s all clean and in tip top shape. The kids like to keep the tent up in the back yard for a few days for some backyard camping after we set it up to clean it and make any needed repairs. Whether your looking for a new spot for some great fishing, hunting, hiking, or just a camping trip for the sake of camping, it’s fun to research and find new spots to take family and friends on a new adventure. We do our research on different websites that include all of the above, to see what others are doing, to find our next thrill seeking adventure for our family. My favorite childhood memories were made because I have the best Mom and Dad in the world. We did a lot of camping growing up, and even as adults we have carried on the tradition of the family camping trips. We take trips to the mountains, trip to the ocean, trips to the foothill lakes, and everywhere in between. Thank You for being a part of our online family! If you would like to have your adventures and ideas posted on our website, please send us a message.