Fishing Weights and Sinker Storage I like to take one of my fishing utility boxes (like the picture above) and designate it for my sinker and weight storage so that all of my weights are organized. As I pack up my fishing gear for each trip, I take enough weights of each size and style that I think I may use on my trip, and then put them in my hook, swivel, and smaller sinker utility box that I always have in my fishing tackle bag. When I get back from my fishing trip I put them back in their main storage utility box.
I use the bullet disc type weights when I need larger ounce weights for further casting, and to hold my bait in place, when I am fishing at the ocean, or in fast moving rivers. When I stock up on weights, I usually will grab about ten of each size, from one ounce up to twelve ounce. The most common size that I use is the four ounce. When in a pinch, I can double them up if the water if moving faster than I anticipated, to give me an eight ounce weight if I forgot to bring any of the larger sizes.
Pyramid Fishing Sinkers
The pyramid bullet weights are perfect for the sandy, or muddy areas where you want your weight to dig into the sand or mud to keep your bait more stationary. These are a great casting sinker. I use these at the ocean, and some spots on the river. The pointed tip and flat sides make it so that the weight will not roll with the tide, keeping your bait exactly where you want it.
Bank Fishing Weights and Sinkers
Bank sinkers are ideal for ocean and riverbank fishing. The sizes of these sinkers go from a half ounce all the way up to twenty ounces, so the selection of sizes gives you a choice of sinkers for nearly every type of fishing situation.
Worm Bullet Weights and Sinkers
Bullet weights are perfect for using with all your plastics. A bullet weight goes perfectly with a rubber worm, for example. It’s slick design, along with the tungsten material that these are made of, are much lighter than their lead cousin.
Egg Fishing Weights and Sinkers
Egg Sinkers are great to be used as a sliding sinker because they have a hold through the center. For those finicky fish that will drop your bait at the first sign of the weight, you can slip this sliding egg sinker onto your line, add a barrel swivel, and a leader so that the sinker will not slide all the way down to your hook. A fish can pick up your bait and not feel the weight of the sinker, but you will feel the bait.
Removable Split Shot Weights and Sinkers
Removable and reusable split shots are the perfect sinkers for stream and lake fishing. You simply squeeze the sinker closed onto your line, and when you are done with them, you squeeze them again to take them off your line. They are great and will last forever. One multi-pack kit of several sizes will last you for many years.
In Line Trolling and Drifting Sinkers
In line trolling cigar sinkers are perfect for trolling and drifting your bait.
Bass Casting Sinkers
Bass casting sinkers can be setup as a sliding sinker, or as a drop line to keep your bait off the bottom. Great all purpose sinkers for lakes and ponds.
Drop Shot Weights
These weights are named for what they are best for, the drop shot rig. Great for your drop shot rigs, and in any situation where you need a drop sinker to keep your bait or lure off of the bottom, but close to the bottom.
No Snag Slip Sinkers
These sinkers will glide across the bottom and not snag. Perfect for drifting and dragging baits and lures. Keep your baits off the bottom, and lose the stress and mess of constant snags.
Lindy No Snagg Slip Sinker
The Lindy No Snagg Slip Sinker has a sort of banana shape that lets the sinker bounce over heavy cover or rocky rubble without tumbling, twisting or snagging. Through their research and development team, they have performed thorough testing of the No Snagg Slip Sinker in areas that most anglers would consider as unfishable, in lakes, rivers, and other reservoirs, and with the latest design of this sinker, they were able to achieve 95 percent snag free results. The sinker costs a little more than your typical weight, but will pay for itself again and again since you won’t break off in snags as often. There are two No Snagg Sinkers in each package. About The Author Mike Mendenhall is the the founder of Mendenhall Outdoors. This website is an extension of the Mendenhall family’s lifestyle and passion for the great outdoors. Everything that they learn, and experience, along the way that they find may be valuable to our website visitors is on the site for you to enjoy. We highlight products and services that you might find interesting. We frequently receive free products from manufacturers to test. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended. If you click a link on this page, then go on to make a purchase, we might receive a commission – at no extra cost to you, and does not impact the purchase price of any products that you may purchase. The Best Fishing Sinkers and Weights Shopping Experience Awaits!