There is nothing that beats the fresh, and flavorful, taste of your own fruits and vegetables from a home grown garden. Large outdoor gardens take up a lot of space, and require a lot of work to get ready and maintain throughout the year. This is where a hydroponics garden comes in.
How Does a Hydroponic Garden Work?
A hydroponic garden is a garden that grows plants without the use of dirt or soil. Instead the seeds, and subsequent plants that grow from them, are typically suspended in a spongy type of medium that retains water, and water is circulated throughout the system to water the plants. Nutrients are added to the water, for the plants to grow their best. No dirt, no fuss, no mess. Hydro is the greek word for water, and that is what does all the work in this gardening system. The water delivers the nutrients to the plant roots. In regular gardens, plant roots get their nutrients from the soil. In a hydroponic garden, the nutrients are added to the water so plants have easier access to the nutrition that they need. The result is that plants in a hydroponic garden tent to grow large and beautiful very quickly. A hydroponic garden gives you higher yields, accelerated growth, and your plants, veggies, and fruits will have a better flavor. All hydroponic gardens have a reservoir or container to hold the water, and of course water which is needed to grow the plants, and nutrients are added to help the plants grow big and healthy. Some hydroponic gardens have a nutrient source built right into the system, such as using fish in an aquaponic fish farming setup. Many hydroponic gardens also include a water pump that is used to circulate the water, and a grow light so that the plants be grown indoors, in any season, no matter what the weather is like outside. This way you can grow your garden year round inside the comfort of your own home, no matter what season or months it is. Browse Current Models: Countertop Hydroponics Garden What Are the Benefits Of A Hydroponics Garden?There are a lot of benefits that a hydroponics garden will provide. A hydroponics garden is quick and easy to setup, requires very little maintenance, takes up very ittle space. If your hydroponics garden comes with grow lights, or if you add a grow light, you can also grow indoors throughout the year with your hydroponics garden instead of being limited to spring and summer months.
Hydroponics Garden Benefits
1.Can be grown indoors2.Takes up very little space 3.Easy to maintain 4.Plants provide high yield 5.No tilling or maintenance of dirt and soil Clean, self contained environment 6.Easy to harvest your fruits & vegetables, nice conversation piece
Hydroponic Garden vs Traditional Garden
A hydroponic garden can yield the same amount of fresh produce in a few square feet, that a traditional garden can grow in forty square feet. That is a lot of space savings, especially if you don’t have the space. A traditional garden requires several hours of work each week, where a hydroponic garden requires only minutes, saving you precious time. Another huge benefit to hydroponic gardens is that they require less water per plant, as the garden is a closed environment so that there is no water waste, and the water gets recirculated and continuously re- used. In a traditional garden, there is a lot of wasted water, and the water soaks into the soil, requiring you to water weekly and sometimes daily in the warmer months. The hydroponic garden uses less than a gallon of water per plant in total, while the traditional garden will require over twenty gallons of water per plant. There is also a huge financial savings with a hydroponic garden. A traditional garden requires a year one investment of around fifteen hundred dollars, while a hydroponic garden investment is around five hundred dollars. Last, but not least, is the reliability of the garden. A traditional garden has a very low reliability average on each plant, requiring most gardeners to plant multiple plants in each plant spot to ensure that one of the plants will grow successfully. With a hydroponic garden, these plants are started with seedlings with a very high reliability, meaning that they are typically strong and healthy and most plants will grow successfully.
The FarmStand Hydroponics Garden
The FarmStand Hydroponic Garden is a self watering, self fertilizing, self contained garden that can be grown indoors with the additional grow rings, or outdoors. It’s high tech design, with small it’s small size, make this garden the perfect garden for those that do not have a large backyard to grow a full garden, or for those that just want to have a nice small clean self sufficient garden, as well as those that would like to grow a garden indoors. The FarmStand Hydroponic Garden comes in five different sizes, to fit your exact gardening needs. Whether you are looking to have a garden for 12 plants, 18 plants, 24 plants, 30 plants, or a full 36 plants, there is a perfectly sized FarmStand Hydroponic Garden for you. If you woud like to grow your plants indoors you can also buy glow rings that will provide the growing light your growing plants need to grow at their best.
Choose Your Farmstand Hydroponics Garden
The Farmstand Hydroponic Garden is available in five different sizes. The first step is to select which garden that you want to buy.
Choose Your Hydroponics Garden Plant Seedlings
The next step is to select your seedlings from over two hundred different greens, vegetables, fruits, and herbs that they have available. These seedlings give you a jump start in your garden with plants that are already growing and healthy.
Plant Your Hydroponics Garden
The next step is to get your garden growing by setting up your hydroponic garden, adding water and nutrients, adding your seedling plants, and watch them grow. In as little as three weeks, your produce is ready to begin harvesting each week for your own fresh and healthy meals right from your own garden.
Click & Grow Indoor Hydroponics Gardens
Smart indoor hydroponic gardens make it possible to grow plants 365 days a year, even in the busiest of households. These smart gardens take care of the watering, the lighting, and the nutrients, and grow. Several sizes to choose from, including a smaller 3 pod system, on up to the wall farm, which is a very large 51 pod system.
Click & Grow Indoor Hydroponics Gardens Come in 5 Sizes
1.The Smart Garden 3 Pod System 2.The Smart Garden 9 Pod System 3.The Smart Garden Pro 9 Pod System controlled by an App The Smart 4.Garden 27 Pod System 5.The Wall Farm 51 Pod System
# 1 - The Smart Hydroponics Garden 3 Pod System
The Smart Garden 3 pod aquaponics gardening system is an innovative indoor garden that cares for itself by watering itself, and providing the right amount of lighting. It can grow fresh herbs that are full of flavor, fruits and vegetables. This small sized garden can fit virtually anywhere, and even makes an ideal size for the kids rooms, or the bedroom, to lighten up the room with flowers, or scent the room with fresh herbs. The Click & Grow indoor hydroponics garden works just like a capsule coffee machine, but instead for plants. It has biodegradable plant pods that have seeds and nutrients inside, so you could enjoy homegrown food all year long.
# 2 - The Smart Garden Hydroponics 9 Pod System
The Smart Garden 9 pod aquaponics gardening system is an innovative self watering, self growing garden for every home and every plant growing need. Experience the benefits of having your own garden, no matter where you live, as this garden fits conveniently on any counter top or shelf.
# 3 - The Smart Garden Pro 9 Pod Hydroponics System
The Smart Garden PRO 9 pod aquaponics gardening system is an app controlled self growing garden for every home and every plant growing need. You can experience the benefits of having your own garden, no matter where you live, as this garden will be able to grow to it’s full potential indoors, wherever you decide to place it. You will now have the capability to grow organic herbs, fruits, salads and flowers, free from the comercially produced GMOs and pesticides. Completely fresh grown in the comfort of your own home. This high end Smart Garden PRO allows you to control the lights by both touch control and the Click & Grow app from your smartphone.
# 4 - The Smart Garden 27 Pod Hydroponics System
You will be able to grow the freshest herbs, fruits and vegetables from the comfort of your home with the Smart Garden 27 pod aquaponics gardening system. You’ll get to experience all of the benefits of eating fresh and organic food all year long with the help of the Smart Garden 27. This indoor garden does pretty much all of the work by providing your plants with the light, water and nutrients, that they need, in just the right amounts to make them really thrive.
# 5 - The Wall Farm Garden 51 Pod Hydroponics System
The Click & Grow Wall Farm Hydroponics Garden is an indoor vertical garden that grows fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits and leafy greens all year round. This innovative technology makes growing edibles and flowers at home year round super easy, with very little work required. Their unique Smart Soil technology in their vertical gardens can easily be added into any home, restaurant, school, grocery store, or office. The Wall Farm has 3 shelves that are fully stacked complete with watering and lighting. The Wall Farm has 51 growing holes in total, the largest indoor garden in the Click & Grow product line.About The Author Mike Mendenhall is the the founder of Mendenhall Outdoors. This website is an extension of the Mendenhall family’s lifestyle and passion for the great outdoors. Everything that they learn, and experience, along the way that they find may be valuable to our website visitors is on the site for you to enjoy. We highlight products and services that you might find interesting. We frequently receive free products from manufacturers to test. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended. If you click a link on this page, then go on to make a purchase, we might receive a commission – at no extra cost to you, and does not impact the purchase price of any products that you may purchase. The Best Hydroponics Garden Experience Awaits!