Outdoor Gardening - Raised Beds
An Outdoor Garden with raised beds for both style and ease! Using raised beds in
your outdoor garden will give you more options for different growing locations
because you will have more flexibility to choose a location that you want, and not
have to worry about the slope of the ground, trees in the way, or if you have bad soil
as you can add your own soil chocked full of nutrients for the best growing success.
Raised Bed Gardens Make Best Use of Your Soil
Raised beds make the best use of your soil and land space. Pretty much all gardens would do better with
better soil. With raised gardening beds you can bring your soil in from your landscape and supply place to
ensure you are using the best soil. You also have the convenience to put the beds just about anywhere you
want, so you will have unlimited options on where to grow your garden, with each of your different raised beds
or tower gardens.
Raised Bed Gardens Are Easier On Your Back and Knees
Raised gardening beds are also an excellent choice if you are like me and it’s painful to get your body to the
ground in the different angles needed in order to plant and maintain your garden. The looks and styles of
raised beds are limitless, so if you need a taller raised bed so that it’s easier on your back or knees, there are
raised gardening beds to fit your exact needs.
Raised Bed Gardens Provide a Weed and Pest Barrier
One of the biggest reasons that home gardeners like to grow their garden in raised gardening beds is that
being off the ground these raised beds provide a weed and pest barrier. Slugs and snails will not want to climb
up the walls to get in the garden, and less invasive annoying weeds will be able to invade your garden as it’s
hard for the weeds to grow up and into your garden, and if they start to they are easy to catch before they
actually invade.
Raised Bed Gardens Prevent Water Drainage Problems
Raised beds can help you prevent water drainage problems like you could have if your garden is at ground
level. Your garden won’t retain too much water, and it will also help you retain water if you use some good soil
and mulch on top to manager the water very nicely.
Raised Bed Gardens Are Easier to Maintain
If you go with medium sized raised gardening beds, you will be able to maintain your garden without having to
step inside. So, unlike a traditional ground level garden, where you can easily walk in, with a raised garden bed
you can stand on the outside, and reach in, which will prevent you from compacting the soil by walking on top
of it. The most common size of a raised gardening bed is four feet wide, but I find the three foot wide size
works best for me, as I can reach the center from any side, and completely manage the garden from the
outside very easily and effectively.
Raised Bed Gardens Have Nutrient Rich Soil
A huge benefit to raised gardening beds is that because you will be using nutrient rich soil, and the depth of
the “softer” soil will allow for healthy roots of your fruits and vegetables, so you will be able to plant more
plants and produce higher yields. It will also extend your growing season to be able to start earlier in the
spring and grow further into the fall months as your soil will be able to maintain warmth longer, and you can
also attache weather protection both temporary and permanant options are available.
Raised Bed Gardens Look Nice
Let’s face it, it’s all about the look. An outdoor garden with raised beds are amazing. There are so many options
available for materials if you plan to build your raised garden beds yourself, and there are an amazing number
of gorgeous raised beds available for purchase for any of your favorite types of style.
About The Author
Mike Mendenhall is the the founder of Mendenhall Outdoors. This website is an extension of the
Mendenhall family’s lifestyle and passion for the great outdoors. Everything that they learn, and
experience, along the way that they find may be valuable to our website visitors is on the site for
you to enjoy. We highlight products and services that you might find interesting. We frequently
receive free products from manufacturers to test. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a
product is featured or recommended. If you click a link on this page, then go on to make a purchase, we might
receive a commission – at no extra cost to you, and does not impact the purchase price of any products that
you may purchase.
The Best Raised Garden Beds Gardening Experience Awaits!